hint scan effect

This is the gameplay demo of a VR project we were required to complete as part of our common art requirement at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy. I contributed heavily to the implementation of blueprints within our step system so they would be triggered once the previous step had taken place. I also created and implemented the hint scan effect. This required a post processing material to be created and then that needed to be attached to a button so it would be triggered when the player hit the Y button. I also implemented to where the scan wouldn’t highlight every object in the scene, only the ones relevant to the step the player is currently on.

 Auto rig tool

This is an auto rigging tool I created as a technical art assignment at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy. This was created in Maya 2022 using Python 3 scripting language. For this, I used the main character that was created for our capstone game, Drain Runner. This posed a challenge as this character has a tail which meant more locators needed to be created within the code. This tool has the ability to create locators, a skeleton from those locators, FK and IK controllers, FK/IK switching, a spline spine, as well as reverse foot IK. I also included functionality to bind skin and export this as FBX. To push this further, I’d love to add a Powershell script to install the tool as well as a batch file that executes the code at runtime to make it easy for an artist to use. I would also like to clean up the controls to make it easier for my animators to use.


This was created as part of an artist proof tool assignment at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy. My goal for this tool was to create a way to auto migrate assets from one project to another. There were a few dependencies such as having access to the original project and the fact that I hard coded the destination of the migrated assets. To push this further, I would like to create a process where the user can choose the project the assets go into rather than using the hard coded method as well as not using a hard coded method to choose the assets.

The code used for the auto migration tool

fox rig

This rig was created for use by the animators on a project at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy. I created all aspect of the rig including the skin weight painting, the controls, the skeleton, IK controls on the legs, and full control of the tail and fingers. The model was created by a peer named, Dasha Kudryasheva, I took this Maya file and created all of the rig within Maya 2022.

All of the controls and bones for the fox